Nibsa es reconocida en Chile,
por su compromiso con la calidad, sustentabilidad, experiencia y excelencia en
los productos que comercializa.
Presente en millones de obras y
hogares desde 1945, con sus líneas de grifería domiciliarias e institucionales,
conexiones, llaves, válvulas y productos especiales.
Entre la amplia variedad de
soluciones ha incorporado nuevas líneas de productos y tecnologías, con la
finalidad de dar solución integral a proyectos domiciliarios, institucionales
tanto en el área de terminaciones -decoración para espacios de baño y
cocina. Recientemente ha incluido nuevas líneas de sanitarios y
equipamiento eléctrico como interruptores y enchufes que se caracterizan por su
diseño y calidad.
Nibsa is recognized in Chile, for its commitment to quality, sustainability, experience and excellence in the products it sells.
Present in millions of works and homes since 1945, with its home and institutional faucet lines, connections, keys, valves and special products.
Among the wide variety of solutions, it has incorporated new lines of products and technologies, with the purpose of providing a comprehensive solution to residential, institutional projects both in the area of terminations - decoration for bathroom and kitchen spaces. Recently it has included new lines of toilets and electrical equipment such as switches and plugs that are characterized by their design and quality.
Nibsa is recognized in Chile, for its commitment to quality, sustainability, experience and excellence in the products it sells.
Present in millions of works and homes since 1945, with its home and institutional faucet lines, connections, keys, valves and special products.
Among the wide variety of solutions, it has incorporated new lines of products and technologies, with the purpose of providing a comprehensive solution to residential, institutional projects both in the area of terminations - decoration for bathroom and kitchen spaces. Recently it has included new lines of toilets and electrical equipment such as switches and plugs that are characterized by their design and quality.