1a10 Design es un estudio y marca de diseño de autor del arquitecto Felipe Arriagada, que inicia a fines del año 2013 en Santiago de Chile, donde desarrolla productos de mobiliario y proyectos de arquitectura e interiorismo. La línea de muebles se caracteriza por el uso natural de la madera, otorgándole a este material el mayor protagonismo pero siendo, a la vez, una línea funcional y práctica, donde cada pieza está pensada para ser utilizada por un público que valora los espacios y un mobiliario moderno. El concepto de la marca se traduce en la simplicidad de las formas a través de pocos elementos, con un trabajo muy cuidado de las proporciones y detalles para que sean visualmente atractivos. Todos nuestros diseños están fabricados en Chile a mano con productores locales, usando principalmente madera maciza.
1a10 Design is a study and author design brand of the architect Felipe Arriagada, which starts at the end of 2013 in Santiago, Chile, where he develops furniture products and architectural and interior design projects. The furniture line is characterized by the natural use of wood, giving this material the greatest prominence but being, at the same time, a functional and practical line, where each piece is intended to be used by an audience that values spaces and Modern furniture The concept of the brand translates into the simplicity of the forms through few elements, with a very careful work of the proportions and details so that they are visually attractive. All our designs are manufactured in Chile by hand with local producers, using mainly solid wood.
1a10 Design is a study and author design brand of the architect Felipe Arriagada, which starts at the end of 2013 in Santiago, Chile, where he develops furniture products and architectural and interior design projects. The furniture line is characterized by the natural use of wood, giving this material the greatest prominence but being, at the same time, a functional and practical line, where each piece is intended to be used by an audience that values spaces and Modern furniture The concept of the brand translates into the simplicity of the forms through few elements, with a very careful work of the proportions and details so that they are visually attractive. All our designs are manufactured in Chile by hand with local producers, using mainly solid wood.