El Grupo ASSA ABLOY es la mayor compañía de cerraduras del mundo y es reconocida como líder mundial en soluciones de apertura de puertas, dedicada a satisfacer las demandas de los usuarios finales en cuanto a seguridad, comodidad y conveniencia.
Con más de 300 compañías en el mundo, entre ellas las marcas chilenas POLI que fue adquirida en el 2002 y ODIS en el 2014, ASSA ABLOY se sitúa como el líder del rubro en Chile, permitiéndonos ofrecer el más completo portafolio de productos y servicios a los segmentos del Retail, DIY, Constructoras y Proyectos, aumentando nuestra relevancia en términos de seguridad para nuestros clientes.
Dentro de sus soluciones se encuentran: Puertas metálicas, puertas cortafuego, portones, bóvedas, blindaje, soluciones de seguridad física perimetral como barreras, rejas, bolardos y casetas, control de acceso, Cerraduras de seguridad para uso industrial, comercial y residencial y Quincallería de alto desempeño como barras antipánico, cierrapuertas, entre otros.
The ASSA ABLOY Group is the largest locks company in the world and is recognized as a world leader in door opening solutions, dedicated to meet the demands of end users in terms of safety, comfort and convenience.
With more than 300 companies in the world, among them the Chilean POLI brands that were acquired in 2002 and ODIS in 2014, ASSA ABLOY is positioned as the leader in Chile, allowing us to offer the most complete portfolio of products and services to Retail, DIY, Construction and Project segments, increasing our relevance in terms of security for our customers. Among its solutions are: Metal doors, fire doors, gates, vaults, shielding, perimeter physical security solutions such as barriers, bars, bollards and booths, access control, Security locks for industrial, commercial and residential use and Hardware High performance as panic bars, door closers, among others.
The ASSA ABLOY Group is the largest locks company in the world and is recognized as a world leader in door opening solutions, dedicated to meet the demands of end users in terms of safety, comfort and convenience.
With more than 300 companies in the world, among them the Chilean POLI brands that were acquired in 2002 and ODIS in 2014, ASSA ABLOY is positioned as the leader in Chile, allowing us to offer the most complete portfolio of products and services to Retail, DIY, Construction and Project segments, increasing our relevance in terms of security for our customers. Among its solutions are: Metal doors, fire doors, gates, vaults, shielding, perimeter physical security solutions such as barriers, bars, bollards and booths, access control, Security locks for industrial, commercial and residential use and Hardware High performance as panic bars, door closers, among others.