El Grupo Polpaico es una compañía con más de 70 años de tradición en el mercado nacional. Ha mantenido un rol protagónico en el desarrollo del país a través de la fabricación y comercialización de Cemento, Hormigón premezclado y Áridos.
Actualmente Polpaico está presente desde la II hasta la IX Región, con 3 plantas de producción de cemento ubicadas estratégicamente en: Mejillones (II Reg.), Cerro Blanco (RM) y Coronel (VIII Reg). Además, posee 22 plantas de hormigón, 3 plantas de áridos, 3 oficinas comerciales y 1 planta de co-procesamiento.
Para atender adecuadamente a los clientes que demandan hormigón premezclado, Polpaico está organizado en dos segmento Construcción y Proyectos Especiales, ambos con claros objetivos de innovar en propuestas de productos y servicios.
En Construcción, Polpaico se orienta a entregar soluciones integrales enfocadas en aportar a la optimización de la obra, atendiendo las necesidades de arquitectura, ingeniería y construcción, considerando la importancia de los mandantes y/o usuarios finales. En este segmento la principal atención se otorga a viviendas residenciales, edificios, hoteles, centros comerciales, hospitales, pavimentación, entre otros.
En Proyectos Especiales, Polpaico ha estado presente en Minería, Energía e Infraestructura. Su quehacer se enfoca en otorgar soluciones eficientes e innovadoras, vinculándose con el proyecto, no sólo en la etapa de ejecución sino también en las etapas previas de diseño e ingeniería, generando así proyectos más eficientes, de alta productividad y menores costos, más durables y más sustentables. A lo anterior se debe sumar un aspecto que para Polpaico tiene alta relevancia y que es la Seguridad Laboral, el cual ha sido valorado y reconocido por sus Clientes y que es una condición sine qua non para la entrega de nuestros productos y servicios.
Para apoyar a esta organización, Polpaico dispone de un área de Innovación y Soluciones que busca generar y desarrollar soluciones de alto valor para sus Clientes y brindar un asesoramiento técnico especializado en las diversas etapas de un proyecto, aportando así con nuevas tecnologías que producen eficiencias y beneficios directos para la obra y los diferentes actores involucrados, desde Mandantes, Especificadores, Constructores hasta Usuarios Finales.
The Polpaico Group is a company with more than 70 years of tradition in the national market. It has maintained a leading role in the development of the country through the manufacture and commercialization of Cement, ready-mixed concrete and aggregates.
Currently Polpaico is present from the II to the IX Region, with 3 cement production plants strategically located in: Mejillones (II Reg.), Cerro Blanco (RM) and Coronel (VIII Reg). In addition, it has 22 concrete plants, 3 aggregate plants, 3 commercial offices and 1 co-processing plant.
To adequately serve customers who demand ready-mix concrete, Polpaico is organized in two Construction and Special Projects segments, both with clear objectives of innovating product and service proposals.
In Construction, Polpaico is oriented to deliver integral solutions focused on contributing to the optimization of the work, meeting the needs of architecture, engineering and construction, considering the importance of constituents and / or end users. In this segment, the main attention is given to residential homes, buildings, hotels, shopping centers, hospitals, paving, among others.
In Special Projects, Polpaico has been present in Mining, Energy and Infrastructure. His work is focused on providing efficient and innovative solutions, linking with the project, not only in the execution stage but also in the previous stages of design and engineering, thus generating more efficient projects, high productivity and lower costs, more durable and more sustainable To the above must be added an aspect that Polpaico has high relevance and that is Work Safety, which has been valued and recognized by its Clients and that is a sine qua non condition for the delivery of our products and services.
To support this organization, Polpaico has an area of Innovation and Solutions that seeks to generate and develop high-value solutions for its Customers and provide specialized technical advice in the various stages of a project, thus contributing with new technologies that produce efficiencies and direct benefits for the work and the different actors involved, from constituents, specifiers, builders to end users.
The Polpaico Group is a company with more than 70 years of tradition in the national market. It has maintained a leading role in the development of the country through the manufacture and commercialization of Cement, ready-mixed concrete and aggregates.
Currently Polpaico is present from the II to the IX Region, with 3 cement production plants strategically located in: Mejillones (II Reg.), Cerro Blanco (RM) and Coronel (VIII Reg). In addition, it has 22 concrete plants, 3 aggregate plants, 3 commercial offices and 1 co-processing plant.
To adequately serve customers who demand ready-mix concrete, Polpaico is organized in two Construction and Special Projects segments, both with clear objectives of innovating product and service proposals.
In Construction, Polpaico is oriented to deliver integral solutions focused on contributing to the optimization of the work, meeting the needs of architecture, engineering and construction, considering the importance of constituents and / or end users. In this segment, the main attention is given to residential homes, buildings, hotels, shopping centers, hospitals, paving, among others.
In Special Projects, Polpaico has been present in Mining, Energy and Infrastructure. His work is focused on providing efficient and innovative solutions, linking with the project, not only in the execution stage but also in the previous stages of design and engineering, thus generating more efficient projects, high productivity and lower costs, more durable and more sustainable To the above must be added an aspect that Polpaico has high relevance and that is Work Safety, which has been valued and recognized by its Clients and that is a sine qua non condition for the delivery of our products and services.
To support this organization, Polpaico has an area of Innovation and Solutions that seeks to generate and develop high-value solutions for its Customers and provide specialized technical advice in the various stages of a project, thus contributing with new technologies that produce efficiencies and direct benefits for the work and the different actors involved, from constituents, specifiers, builders to end users.