Desde su División Internacional, FV comercializa todos los productos de las marcas FV, Franz Viegener, Ferrum y Peisa.
griferías, sanitarios, accesorios, climatización para el hogar a través
de radiadores, calderas, agua caliente sanitaria y otros complementos
para construcciones residenciales, comerciales e industriales; generando
soluciones relativas a la conducción y control de agua y gas, brindando
confort e higiene en forma segura y estética.
historia comienza en 1899, donde Franz Viegener creó una empresa en
Attendorn, Alemania, manufacturando griferías de cerveza para el hogar,
forjadas en bronce. Continuando con la industria familiar, en 1921 su hijo fundó la empresa FV S.A. en Buenos Aires, Argentina. Desde entonces fabricamos productos con la más alta calidad para el hogar.
convencidos de que el mejor negocio y el cuidado del planeta van de la
mano. Somos conscientes de la importancia de cuidar y ahorrar agua, y
esto lo llevamos a cabo desde nuestra filosofía de trabajo y de
desarrollo de productos que permitan cuidarla. Ya
sean productos para el baño o la cocina, o bien ofreciendo la mejor
calefacción, es nuestro estandarte la responsabilidad hacia el planeta.
pocas palabras nos esforzamos por mejorar la calidad de vida de las
generaciones presentes y futuras a través del diseño, la tecnología, la
artesanía y la innovación, alimentadas por la pasión y dedicación de
nuestros mas de 5.000 empleados.
From its International Division, FV sells all products of the FV , Franz Viegener , Ferrum and Peisa brands.
We provide faucets, toilets, accessories, air conditioning for the home through radiators, boilers, sanitary hot water and other accessories for residential, commercial and industrial constructions; generating solutions related to the conduction and control of water and gas, providing comfort and hygiene in a safe and aesthetic way.
Our story begins in 1899, where Franz Viegener created a company in Attendorn, Germany, manufacturing home beer faucets, forged in bronze. Continuing with the family industry, in 1921 his son founded the company FV SA in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Since then we manufacture products with the highest quality for the home.
We are convinced that the best business and care of the planet go hand in hand. We are aware of the importance of caring for and saving water, and this is carried out through our philosophy of work and product development that allows us to take care of it. Either products for the bathroom or the kitchen, or offering the best heating, it is our standard responsibility towards the planet.
In short, we strive to improve the quality of life of present and future generations through design, technology, crafts and innovation, fueled by the passion and dedication of our more than 5,000 employees.
From its International Division, FV sells all products of the FV , Franz Viegener , Ferrum and Peisa brands.
We provide faucets, toilets, accessories, air conditioning for the home through radiators, boilers, sanitary hot water and other accessories for residential, commercial and industrial constructions; generating solutions related to the conduction and control of water and gas, providing comfort and hygiene in a safe and aesthetic way.
Our story begins in 1899, where Franz Viegener created a company in Attendorn, Germany, manufacturing home beer faucets, forged in bronze. Continuing with the family industry, in 1921 his son founded the company FV SA in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Since then we manufacture products with the highest quality for the home.
We are convinced that the best business and care of the planet go hand in hand. We are aware of the importance of caring for and saving water, and this is carried out through our philosophy of work and product development that allows us to take care of it. Either products for the bathroom or the kitchen, or offering the best heating, it is our standard responsibility towards the planet.
In short, we strive to improve the quality of life of present and future generations through design, technology, crafts and innovation, fueled by the passion and dedication of our more than 5,000 employees.