TECNOCOMPERFILES, participará de la exposición de puertas y ventanas más importante a nivel mundial: Fensterbau Frontale
Del 18 al 21 de marzo del 2020 en Núremberg, Alemania.
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TECNOPERFILES cuenta con más de 40 años de trayectoria en la industria del PVC. En el 2004, la empresa inauguró en Argentina, la primer planta de producción de 7.000 m2 dedicados exclusivamente a la fabricación de perfiles PVC, con la mayor tecnología europea de todo Latinoamérica, a la que luego sumó un centro de distribución de 3.000 m2 que abastece una demanda creciente a nivel nacional e internacional.
Actualmente, TECNOPERFILES es la compañía líder en fabricación y comercialización de perfiles de PVC en el país y Latinoamérica. Con presencia en Brasil, Chile y México como filiales internacionales y representaciones en Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, Nicaragua, Panamá, Paraguay, Perú y Uruguay. Cuenta con más de 200 fabricantes certificados de puertas y ventanas de PVC en Argentina y 150 en Latinoamérica que cumplen con las normas europeas de elaboración.
TECNOPERFILES posee la certificación ISO 9001 por el Diseño, Fabricación, Comercialización y Servicio Técnico de Sistemas de Aberturas de PVC, y es miembro de diversas organizaciones y cámaras para fomentar el crecimiento de la industria: Argentina Green Building Council (AGBC), la AAPVC, CAIP, ECOGLAS, la Cámara de la Construcción, CAVERA, INCOSE, ConsulSteel, AADA e IRAM, donde participa activamente de diversos Comités para promover un uso racional y eficiente de la energía.
TECNOPERFILES, will participate in the most important exhibition of doors and windows worldwide: Fensterbau Frontale
From March 18 to 21, 2020 in Nuremberg, Germany.
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TECNOPERFILES has more than 40 years of experience in the PVC industry. In 2004, the company inaugurated in Argentina, the first 7,000 m2 production plant dedicated exclusively to the manufacture of PVC profiles, with the largest European technology in all of Latin America, which was later added by a 3,000 m2 distribution center that supplies a growing demand nationally and internationally.
Currently, TECNOPERFILES is the leading company in the manufacture and marketing of PVC profiles in the country and Latin America. With presence in Brazil, Chile and Mexico as international subsidiaries and representations in Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru and Uruguay. It has more than 200 certified manufacturers of PVC doors and windows in Argentina and 150 in Latin America that meet European manufacturing standards.
TECNOPERFILES has the ISO 9001 certification for the Design, Manufacture, Marketing and Technical Service of PVC Opening Systems, and is a member of various organizations and chambers to promote the growth of the industry: Argentina Green Building Council (AGBC), the AAPVC, CAIP, ECOGLAS, the Chamber of Construction, CAVERA, INCOSE, ConsulSteel, AADA and IRAM, where it actively participates in various Committees to promote a rational and efficient use of energy.
TECNOPERFILES, will participate in the most important exhibition of doors and windows worldwide: Fensterbau Frontale
From March 18 to 21, 2020 in Nuremberg, Germany.
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TECNOPERFILES has more than 40 years of experience in the PVC industry. In 2004, the company inaugurated in Argentina, the first 7,000 m2 production plant dedicated exclusively to the manufacture of PVC profiles, with the largest European technology in all of Latin America, which was later added by a 3,000 m2 distribution center that supplies a growing demand nationally and internationally.
Currently, TECNOPERFILES is the leading company in the manufacture and marketing of PVC profiles in the country and Latin America. With presence in Brazil, Chile and Mexico as international subsidiaries and representations in Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru and Uruguay. It has more than 200 certified manufacturers of PVC doors and windows in Argentina and 150 in Latin America that meet European manufacturing standards.
TECNOPERFILES has the ISO 9001 certification for the Design, Manufacture, Marketing and Technical Service of PVC Opening Systems, and is a member of various organizations and chambers to promote the growth of the industry: Argentina Green Building Council (AGBC), the AAPVC, CAIP, ECOGLAS, the Chamber of Construction, CAVERA, INCOSE, ConsulSteel, AADA and IRAM, where it actively participates in various Committees to promote a rational and efficient use of energy.