Nuestra empresa nace como legado de Inppa S.A. fabricante de panales para radiadores desde el año 1949. Somos el mismo equipo que por décadas hemos fabricado los distintos tipos de panales para sus cambios en los radiadores.
INPPA opera hace cerca de
60 años en el mercado y posee tres líneas de negocios: Automotriz,
centrada en la fabricación de radiadores y panales para automóviles;
Construcción, focalizada en tejas de acero gravilladas y otros productos
como los recientemente lanzados; y Minería e Industria, donde se
fabrican equipos de transferencia térmica a pedido y bandejas
INPPA ha definido como piedra angular de su negocio la calidad de servicio, concepto que parte por establecer una estrecha relación con sus clientes. Nuestro servicio considera cubicaciones, confección de fichas de aprovechamiento de materiales que minimicen las pérdidas, asesoría en obras, un servicio de instalaciones garantizadas con supervisión profesional, capacitación en instalaciones de nuestras tejas para su personal propio o externo, etc. Las constructoras pueden comprar nuestros productos para instalarlos, o recurrir a nuestro servicio de instalación, pero en ambos casos contarán con una asesoría integral.
Our company was born as a legacy of Inppa SA manufacturer of radiator panels since 1949. We are the same team that for decades have manufactured different types of panels for changes in radiators.
INPPA has been operating in the market for nearly 60 years and has three business lines: Automotive , focused on the manufacture of radiators and car combs; Construction , focused on gravelled steel tiles and other products such as recently launched; and Mining and Industry , where thermal transfer equipment is made to order and geological trays.
INPPA has defined the quality of service as a cornerstone of its business, a concept that starts by establishing a close relationship with its customers. Our service considers cubicles, preparation of material use sheets that minimize losses, advice on works, a service of facilities guaranteed with professional supervision, training in facilities of our tiles for its own or external staff, etc. Builders can buy our products to install them, or resort to our installation service, but in both cases they will have comprehensive advice.
Our company was born as a legacy of Inppa SA manufacturer of radiator panels since 1949. We are the same team that for decades have manufactured different types of panels for changes in radiators.
INPPA has been operating in the market for nearly 60 years and has three business lines: Automotive , focused on the manufacture of radiators and car combs; Construction , focused on gravelled steel tiles and other products such as recently launched; and Mining and Industry , where thermal transfer equipment is made to order and geological trays.
INPPA has defined the quality of service as a cornerstone of its business, a concept that starts by establishing a close relationship with its customers. Our service considers cubicles, preparation of material use sheets that minimize losses, advice on works, a service of facilities guaranteed with professional supervision, training in facilities of our tiles for its own or external staff, etc. Builders can buy our products to install them, or resort to our installation service, but in both cases they will have comprehensive advice.