Con el advenimiento de la revolución industrial, la producción de hierro y acero a gran escala, se convirtieron en una necesidad apremiante, así nacieron las grandes industrias siderúrgicas, el desarrollo industrial se extendía muy rápidamente llegando a América. Las necesidades inherentes al desarrollo de nuestro país exigían una respuesta apropiada a la demanda de la industria de la construcción, de esta forma surgió ANDEC, Acerías Nacionales del Ecuador, constituida en el año 1964, brindando al país el ingrediente que ha posibilitado un importante impulso al desarrollo de la Industria Siderúrgica Nacional. Inicialmente la planta contó con 150 trabajadores a los que tuvo que capacitar en el manejo de un tren laminador, el mismo que trabajó hasta los años 80.
Dicho tren producía para 1.970, unas 11.250 toneladas. Esta producción inicial alcanzaba a cubrir un 20% de la demanda total a nivel del país. Para mediados de los años 80, la empresa ya había diversificado su producción, gracias a la adquisición de un tren laminador que permitía producir rollos de alambrón menores a 10mm. En esa misma época, Julio de 1984, la Dirección de Industrias del Ejército (DINE) adquiere la mayor parte del paquete accionario con la visión de modernizar la planta industrial, optimizar los recursos, aumentar la producción e incrementar su participación en el mercado.
Sin embargo, el mayor reto estaba por llegar: “El proceso de certificación ISO 9000”, en 1997. Fue una decisión pionera, para una época en la que muy pocas industrias ecuatorianas lo consideraban necesario. La implementación de tecnología de punta incrementó la producción, además con la incorporación de nuevos procedimientos en la Gestión de Calidad hicieron que ANDEC logre la Certificación ISO 9002, el 22 de febrero de 2001. Para continuar con dicho proceso, el 31 de julio de 2003, la empresa alcanzó la Certificación ISO 9001:2000 y actualmente ha completado su proceso de certificación del SGI Sistema Integrado de Gestión, incorporando a su sistema de calidad, las normas ISO 14001 y OHSAS 18001.
En el 2004, ANDEC S.A. incorporó a su filial FUNASA, como una división encargada del acopio procesamiento y reciclaje de chatarra ferrosa, para la fabricación de palanquilla de acero, material semi-elaborado que sirve de base para la laminación de productos largos, actividad que ha venido desarrollando desde hace 34 años, habiendo llegado a procesar hasta la presente más de 2 millones de toneladas de chatarra, contribuyendo de manera significativa con el medio ambiente, destacando el compromiso de ANDEC S.A. como una Empresa Socialmente Responsable.
With the advent of the industrial revolution, the production of iron and steel on a large scale, became an urgent necessity, thus the large steel industries were born, industrial development spread very quickly reaching America. The inherent needs of the development of our country demanded an appropriate response to the demand of the construction industry, in this way ANDEC, Acerías Nacionales del Ecuador, established in 1964, gave the country the ingredient that has enabled an important boost to the development of the National Steel Industry. Initially, the plant had 150 workers whom it had to train in the handling of a rolling mill, the same one that worked until the 1980s.
This train produced for 1,970, about 11,250 tons. This initial production was enough to cover 20% of the total demand nationwide. By the mid-1980s, the company had already diversified its production, thanks to the acquisition of a rolling mill that made it possible to produce wire rod rolls smaller than 10mm. At the same time, July 1984, the Army Industries Directorate (DINE) acquired most of the share package with the vision of modernizing the industrial plant, optimizing resources, increasing production and increasing its market share.
However, the biggest challenge was yet to come: "The ISO 9000 certification process", in 1997. It was a pioneering decision, for a time when very few Ecuadorian industries considered it necessary. The implementation of state-of-the-art technology increased production, and with the incorporation of new procedures in Quality Management, ANDEC achieved the ISO 9002 Certification on February 22, 2001. To continue with this process, on July 31, 2003 , the company achieved ISO 9001: 2000 Certification and has currently completed its certification process for the SGI Integrated Management System, incorporating the ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 standards into its quality system.
In 2004, ANDEC SA incorporated its subsidiary FUNASA, as a division in charge of the collection, processing and recycling of ferrous scrap, for the manufacture of steel billet, a semi-processed material that serves as the basis for the rolling of long products, an activity that has been developing for 34 years, having processed more than 2 million tons of scrap to date, making a significant contribution to the environment, highlighting ANDEC SA's commitment as a Socially Responsible Company.
With the advent of the industrial revolution, the production of iron and steel on a large scale, became an urgent necessity, thus the large steel industries were born, industrial development spread very quickly reaching America. The inherent needs of the development of our country demanded an appropriate response to the demand of the construction industry, in this way ANDEC, Acerías Nacionales del Ecuador, established in 1964, gave the country the ingredient that has enabled an important boost to the development of the National Steel Industry. Initially, the plant had 150 workers whom it had to train in the handling of a rolling mill, the same one that worked until the 1980s.
This train produced for 1,970, about 11,250 tons. This initial production was enough to cover 20% of the total demand nationwide. By the mid-1980s, the company had already diversified its production, thanks to the acquisition of a rolling mill that made it possible to produce wire rod rolls smaller than 10mm. At the same time, July 1984, the Army Industries Directorate (DINE) acquired most of the share package with the vision of modernizing the industrial plant, optimizing resources, increasing production and increasing its market share.
However, the biggest challenge was yet to come: "The ISO 9000 certification process", in 1997. It was a pioneering decision, for a time when very few Ecuadorian industries considered it necessary. The implementation of state-of-the-art technology increased production, and with the incorporation of new procedures in Quality Management, ANDEC achieved the ISO 9002 Certification on February 22, 2001. To continue with this process, on July 31, 2003 , the company achieved ISO 9001: 2000 Certification and has currently completed its certification process for the SGI Integrated Management System, incorporating the ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 standards into its quality system.
In 2004, ANDEC SA incorporated its subsidiary FUNASA, as a division in charge of the collection, processing and recycling of ferrous scrap, for the manufacture of steel billet, a semi-processed material that serves as the basis for the rolling of long products, an activity that has been developing for 34 years, having processed more than 2 million tons of scrap to date, making a significant contribution to the environment, highlighting ANDEC SA's commitment as a Socially Responsible Company.