DanicaZipco, es la marca líder en sistemas termoaislantes y coberturas metálicas en América Latina. Tiene casi 40 años de experiencia en soluciones completas de diseño, arquitectura, construcción e ingeniería, pasando por la fabricación y comercialización, según las necesidades de cada cliente. Sus ocho divisiones de negocio atiende a los principales clientes de los segmentos alimenticio, farmacéutico, logístico, naval y de construcción civil, entre otros. Contamos con siete plantas industriales, en Brasil en Joinville-SC, Recife-PE, Paulista-PE, Lucas do Rio Verde-MT, Aparecida do Taboado-MS, en Toluca (MEX) y en Santiago (Santiago de Chile), y además 17 unidades comerciales en América y Europa.
DanicaZipco, is the leading brand in thermal insulation systems and metal roofing in Latin America. He has almost 40 years of experience in complete design, architecture, construction and engineering solutions, through manufacturing and marketing, according to the needs of each client. Its eight business divisions serve the main customers of the food, pharmaceutical, logistics, naval and civil construction segments, among others. We have seven industrial plants, in Brazil in Joinville-SC, Recife-PE, Paulista-PE, Lucas do Rio Verde-MT, Aparecida do Taboado-MS, in Toluca (MEX) and in Santiago (Santiago de Chile), and also 17 commercial units in America and Europe.
DanicaZipco, is the leading brand in thermal insulation systems and metal roofing in Latin America. He has almost 40 years of experience in complete design, architecture, construction and engineering solutions, through manufacturing and marketing, according to the needs of each client. Its eight business divisions serve the main customers of the food, pharmaceutical, logistics, naval and civil construction segments, among others. We have seven industrial plants, in Brazil in Joinville-SC, Recife-PE, Paulista-PE, Lucas do Rio Verde-MT, Aparecida do Taboado-MS, in Toluca (MEX) and in Santiago (Santiago de Chile), and also 17 commercial units in America and Europe.