Hunter Douglas es el líder mundial en cortinas, persianas y toldos y uno de los mayores fabricantes de productos para la arquitectura.
Tiene su casa matriz en Rotterdam, Holanda, uno de los países referentes en diseño y arquitectura mundial.
Hunter Douglas tiene en Argentina una trayectoria de más de 20 años. Cuenta con una planta industrial en la localidad de Villa Martelli, provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina.
A través de su amplia red de distribuidores, la empresa comercializa sus dos líneas de productos:
-WindowStyling: cortinas, persianas y toldos
-Productos arquitectónicos: cielorrasos metálicos, cielorrasos de fibra mineral, fachadas ventiladas NBK y paneles translúcidos 3Form.
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Hunter Douglas is the world leader in curtains, blinds and awnings and one of the largest manufacturers of architectural products.
It has its headquarters in Rotterdam, Holland, one of the leading countries in design and world architecture.
Hunter Douglas has a history of more than 20 years in Argentina. It has an industrial plant in the town of Villa Martelli, province of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Through its extensive network of distributors, the company markets its two product lines:
- WindowStyling: curtains, blinds and awnings
-Architectural products: metal ceilings, mineral fiber ceilings, NBK ventilated facades and 3Form translucent panels.
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Hunter Douglas is the world leader in curtains, blinds and awnings and one of the largest manufacturers of architectural products.
It has its headquarters in Rotterdam, Holland, one of the leading countries in design and world architecture.
Hunter Douglas has a history of more than 20 years in Argentina. It has an industrial plant in the town of Villa Martelli, province of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Through its extensive network of distributors, the company markets its two product lines:
- WindowStyling: curtains, blinds and awnings
-Architectural products: metal ceilings, mineral fiber ceilings, NBK ventilated facades and 3Form translucent panels.
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