El creciente desarrollo de la industria moderna, a fines de la década del 70, provoca en Bash, un cambio radical en el concepto de mobiliario de Oficina y el uso del espacio, en donde estética, tecnología y funcionalidad convergen para maximizar la producción y consolidar la imagen corporativa de la empresa de hoy.
Surge así la División Muebles de Oficina, que cuenta con una planta de más de 7000m2 y un consolidado equipo de profesionales capaces de satisfacer las necesidades de una pequeña oficina, hasta el diseño producción instalación del mobiliario para grandes proyectos corporativos.
The growing development of modern industry, at the end of the 70s, causes in Bash, a radical change in the concept of office furniture and the use of space, where aesthetics, technology and functionality converge to maximize production and consolidate the corporate image of the company today.
Thus, the Office Furniture Division arises, which has a plant of more than 7000m2 and a consolidated team of professionals capable of satisfying the needs of a small office, until the design of the furniture installation for large corporate projects.
The growing development of modern industry, at the end of the 70s, causes in Bash, a radical change in the concept of office furniture and the use of space, where aesthetics, technology and functionality converge to maximize production and consolidate the corporate image of the company today.
Thus, the Office Furniture Division arises, which has a plant of more than 7000m2 and a consolidated team of professionals capable of satisfying the needs of a small office, until the design of the furniture installation for large corporate projects.