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EL VOLCAN is a Chilean retail company specializing in the gastronomic field, both for the professional market (Equipment and gastronomic projects) as well as the Home market, selling table and kitchen items. Its parent company is located in downtown Santiago, San Diego # 767.


Its origins date back to 1910, when Don Nolasco Rivero, a Spanish immigrant from Asturias, arrives in Chile with the aim of seeking better opportunities. Fruit of his effort, perseverance and commitment rose within his work, becoming a partner and finally the owner of what at that time was the EL VOLCAN Hardware Store.

In June 1953, Don José Rivero Llamazales became independent from his father's business with the idea of developing the most specialized hardware business, but it was not possible to obtain a patent for the item so he decided to create EL VOLCAN Households, thus beginning the sale of table and kitchen products.


Towards the year 2007, product of the gastronomic demand and changes in the lifestyles, the second store is inaugurated, located in Las Tranqueras, commune of Las Condes. 5 years later, it inaugurates its Corporate distribution center in Colina, in order to face the expansion plan drawn up by the company and centralize the dispatches to regions.

In 2014 the store located in the Mall Plaza Egaña opened, a year later the stores of Luis Pasteur # 6607, Vitacura and Mall Plaza El Trébol in Concepción are inaugurated. In 2016, the EL VOLCAN store was opened in Mall Parque Arauco (Design floor) and then in 2017 the store was opened in Mall Plaza Los Domínicos and in Quilicura (Easton Outlet Mall).

Finally, with the aim of seeking to better meet the demand of regions, the stores of Viña del Mar and Temuco were opened in 2018, with Mall Plaza Oeste being the location for the 11th store.


With more than 64 years in the national market, EL VOLCAN has extensive product lines in crockery, glassware, cutlery, machinery and appliances.

On its website , part of its product offer is marketed and has home delivery and withdrawal in the network of stores throughout the country.

Contactos de la marca

Pamela Carolina Cruz Vera Ejecutiva Ventas Terreno

Las Tranqueras

  • Las Tranqueras 70, Las Condes
  • +56229353070

Luis Pasteur

  • Luis Pasteur 6607, Vitacura
  • +56229353090

Mall Parque Arauco

  • Av. Pdte. Kennedy 5413, Piso 3 - Local 576, Las Condes
  • +56229353070

Stgo. Centro

  • San Diego 767, Santiago
  • +56229353030

Easton Outlet Mall

  • Av. Eduardo Frei Montalva 9709, Ruta 5 Esq. San Ignacio, Local 712-B, Quilicura
  • +56229353170

Mall Plaza Los Dominicos

  • Av. Padre Hurtado Sur 875, Piso 2, Local C2137-2141-2145, Las Condes
  • +56229353160

Mall Plaza Egaña

  • Av. Larrain 5862, Local 145, La Reina
  • +56229353080

Mall Plaza Trébol (Sector Aires)

  • Av. Jorge Alessandri 3177, Local F-152, F-154 y F-156C, Talcahuano, Bío Bío
  • +56229353140

Viña del Mar

  • Av. Libertad 859, Viña del Mar
  • +56229353250


  • Av. Alemania 0890, Local 3, Temuco
  • +56229353260

Mall Plaza Oeste

  • Av. Américo Vespucio 1501, Local BA 125-129, Cerrillos
  • +56229353270

Productos de EL VOLCAN (disponibles en Chile)

Todos (4)